
Friday, September 9, 2011

An US Day

Yesterday morning a little girl climbed into our bed early. To snuggle and whisper in my ear "can we have an us day?". A day of being home and entertaining no one, of staying put and playing games. Play dough and Candy Land, colouring and watching a movie. I forget sometimes that these little ones crave this as much as I do. That they too need a break from the fun of play dates and library days, walks and parks and grocery shopping.

And we had an us day. We sipped tea out of little cups while we played a game of Candy Land. Jacob threw only one temper and they slept well in the afternoon. I enjoyed my flowers in a mason jar.

And last night somewhere between 2 and 4 I woke up with a burning throat, a pounding headache and a fever. I was reminded that oil of oregano needs to be purchased to help ward these things off. For mothering does not stop when I'm sick. There are tummies that need to be filled, and bodies that need to be clothed. Diapers to change and stories to read. Potty training that needs to be continued.

This is mothering. This is being at home. There is no calling in sick. But I can find things to be thankful for. Tylenol Cold, which seems to be kicking in, the third attempt at potty training which is proving to be successful. A chance to look at pictures from a labour day monday. A family reunion that gave us a chance to reconnect with cousins and aunts and uncles. A phone call from a friend offering to take one of the kids. Knowing that if that is needed I can do that. A second cup of tea with honey. Blogs to read while the kids watch a bit of tv.

Kaylin's been blowing away at every flower she can find. Making wishes in hopes that it will come true like one before

And a sick day tucked in between is apart of life.

Its been a good week. A Labour Day that the kids had with Drew. Where Jacob threw only one rather large temper in the middle.

And today will be a day of tea and another round of Candy Land. And perhaps if I'm lucky, all three kids will sleep at the same time and I can crawl in bed:)


  1. whoa- Maddy looks so different in that last shot! Looks like a fun weekend :) We did Candyland yesterday too, as well as Moo Cow and books. Lots of fun!

  2. How fun! I love days at home. Cora always throws less tempers when we stay in our own space...I think she knows she won't get away with it:)
